Labor Day

 The end of summer. 
I feel like I really just got into the whole idea of summer. BBQ's on the lawn, swimming, staying up boy really swallowed up summer for me this year. But it looks like CA is letting me have some more time-this heat is ca-razy! 
For Labor Day weekend all the cousins gathered for swimming. I totally didn't want to go. I was just imagining having to deal with Lincoln in the heat and I figured I wouldn't get to swim or have fun and I wanted to make sure Mr. L got the nap he needed. But then; the whole family texted me! 
"you coming swimming?"
"hey you'll be there tomorrow, right?" 
"When you gonna get here?" 
Like no joke, pretty much everyone wanted to make sure we made it, and I'm so glad they did! It was an absolute blast. I loved every minute. 

haha, that last picture is one of my favorites. The look on lil' lo's face. Priceless. 


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